Primary Healthcare Expansion at The Alex Community Health Centre

A Team Optimization Project to integrate a Social Worker (SW) and Registered Nurse – Proactive Office Encounter Technician (RN-POET) into our clinical team and optimize their roles as well as clarifying roles across the team and act on opportunities for greater collaboration.

Location: Calgary, Alberta

Lead Organization: The Alex CHC 
Focus: The integration of RN and SW roles into the CHC team to improve cancer screening and manage social determinants of health.

Project Team:

  • Project Lead: Dr Kerri Treherne, Physician

  • Project Co-Lead: Dr Erik Singendonk, Medical Director & Physician

  • Joe MacGillivray, Director of Care

  • Jennifer Campbell, Manager of Community Health Clinic

  • Cathy Deck, Manager of Social/Upfront Team


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