Society of Rural Physicians of Canada’s National Advanced Skills and Training Program for Rural Practice

A Team Optimization Project to 1) support training and continuing professional development programs for practicing rural physicians to enhance their skills to meet identified rural community needs within local clinical teams, and 2) to conduct an evaluation and assessment of the project activities and deliverables, as proof of concept, with the goal to develop recommendations on indicators for system wide implementation for rural physician workforce strategies and for the sustainability of this project initiative to ensure continued support for rural physicians.

Location: National

Lead Organization: Society of Rural Physicians of Canada (SRPC)
Focus: Providing advanced skills and training for rural primary care physicians.

Project Team:

  • Dr. Sarah Lesperance, President, SRPC

  • Dr. Gavin Parker

  • Dr. Brian Gellar

  • Lisa Hetu

  • Dr. Isabelle Cochrane

  • Dr. Stuart Iglesias

  • Dr. James Wiedrick

  • Dr. Elaine Blau

  • Dr. Sonja Poole

  • Dr. Sivaruban (Ruban) Kanagaratnam

  • Dr. Marcy Maracle

  • Jen Barr, COO, SRPC

  • Kristen Kluke, Coordinator, SRPC

  • Daria Parsons, MSc, Project Manager


Family Medicine In-Practice Certification Route for Certificates of Added Competence in Enhanced Surgical Skills, Obstetrical Surgical Skills, and Family Practice Anesthesia