Family Medicine In-Practice Certification Route for Certificates of Added Competence in Enhanced Surgical Skills, Obstetrical Surgical Skills, and Family Practice Anesthesia

A An IP Collaborative Project to create new certification pathways for family physicians with skills in ESS, OSS, and FPA, to maintain and strengthen rural surgery and enable care close to home.

Location: National

Lead Organization: College of Family Physicians of Canada
Focus: The development of an in-practice certification route (IPCR) process.

Project Team:

  • Project Lead: Tatjana Lozanovska, Project Lead, College of Family Physicians of Canada

  • Dr. Nancy Fowler, Executive Staff Lead, College of Family Physicians of Canada

  • Dr. Roy Wyman, Senior Staff Lead, College of Family Physicians of Canada

  • Danijela Stojanovska, Project Management Lead, College of Family Physicians of Canada

  • Dr. Brian Geller, CCFP (EM), (ESS), Consultant

  • Dr. Ryan Falk, CCFP (ESS), Consultant


COACH COLLABO: A Quality Improvement Intervention to Increase Interprofessional Collaboration in Primary Healthcare Clinics)


Society of Rural Physicians of Canada’s National Advanced Skills and Training Program for Rural Practice