Transforming Support for Isolated Older Adults Through Social Prescribing Within Team-Based Primary Care in

A Team Optimization Project to improve loneliness, community connection and engagement, patient and holistic health outcomes among socially-isolated older adults living in downtown East Toronto through a link worker-based social prescribing program embedded in the St. Michael’s Hospital Academic Family Health Team.

Location: Toronto, Ontario

Lead Organization: St. Michael’s Hospital 
Focus: Assisting socially isolated older adults individually, addressing complex health issues and loneliness.

Project Team:

  • Project Co-Lead: Dr. Braden O’Neill, Family Physician, SMHAFHT

  • Project Co-Lead: Dr. Gary Bloch, Family Physician, SMHAFHT

  • Nassim Vahidi-Williams, Manager of Patient and Community Engagement, St. Michael’s Hospital Department of Family and Community Medicine

  • Dr. Karen Weyman, Chief of Family and Community Medicine, St. Michael’s Hospital

  • Dr. Deborah Kopansky-Giles, Professional Practice Leader and Chiropractic Program Coordinator; IPE Committee Co-Chair, Department of Family and Community Medicine, St. Michael’s Hospital

  • Linda Jackson, Senior Clinical Director, Primary and Community Care at Unity Health Toronto

  • Mikhaila Bernales, Community Health Worker

  • Orit Adose, Community Health Worker

  • Sandesh Basnet, Link Worker


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