Video: Integrated Models of Primary Care

The IHWC has chosen primary care to be a sector of focus in this panel that brings together key national initiatives and research programs examining integrated models involving a broader range of health practitioners.

Moderator: Brenda Gamble, Associate Professor, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, CHWN Lead on Healthy Work Environments & Retention (in person) Panelists:

➢ Canada: (online) Louise Nasmith Professor Emeritus, UBC & Co-Chair of the Interprofessional Collaborative Table of Team Primary Care: Training for Transformation Initiative

➢ United Kingdom: (online) Kath Checkland, Professor of Health Policy and Primary Care Health Organisation, University of Manchester

➢ Australia: (online) - Susan Nancarrow CEO HealthWork International, Adjunct Professor, Southern Cross University

➢ United States: (online) Brianna Lombardi Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine, UNC Chapel Hill, Director, UNC Behavioral Health Workforce Research Center


Vidéo : Modèles intégrés de soins primaires


Bourgeault and Oandasan: It’s time health-care workers became team players